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PMT FREE MOD Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Ver. 6.4.0 MOD Menu APK | No Energy, Gem & Coin Costs, Unlock Shop |

Quick question. How do you people prefer to play HPHM? Like do you go ahead with the story and then do the special quests when they unlock? For example you're year 5 and do quests from year 3. I ask this because I'm year 2 and I don't want to waste a full real life year just to play some quests that unlock during summer or autumn.
I go about the year by removing only quests it gives me already without it being locked due to what time of year it is.(Im year 7 but actually graduate so i just chill until quests come cause i need better stats to continue and game guardian hates me somehow).

I play the quests as soon a they're available, but that was a lot easier last year as there was a lot fewer quests. Now there are a loooot of TLSQs that trigger as early as year 3 and it can take a while to get through them all.

You don't have to worry about missing TLSQs as they will always trigger eventually, based on their priority. Even the seasonal quests, which I hadn't done: I did them back-to-back in year 7/8 when they triggered last year.

If you are trying to only do the TLSQs that fit into the main story, then some of the ones like the patronus, prefect/Head boy/girl, OWLs/NEWTs exam, and romance TLSQs are worth doing earlier on as there's a chance that they get mentioned at some point (the romance ones are character dependent, I think Merula mentions first date in year 6 a few times).

If you are worried about waiting for TLSQs, then there is a game guardian method of speeding up the wait time in-between them:


Wow and amazing. Does this pose any ban risk though? And at minute 0:32 after fuzzy search what do I press?

you have merula mention you dating in year 7 too at one point btw
There's no pressure to do TLSQs right when they pop up. If you miss it, Jam City will eventually retrigger it for players that missed it the first time around. They, like most other mobile game devs, prey upon their playerbase's FOMO and make it seem like these are one-time events that will never reoccur. The only TLSQs that can't be replayed are the ones for Quidditch (and even that's not entirely true, they retriggered for the first time ever earlier this year).

Ultimately, the point of these cheating tools means that you get to play the game how you want to play it. And especially without spending any money on it. Do whatever makes you happy. If you wanna stop and play through every single TLSQ as it comes up, do that. If you want to skip them and plow through the main quest, do that. We're not here to judge or tell you what's right or wrong. We're here to repeat ourselves every 2-3 pages by telling people to stop playing during Full Marks or House Pride so they don't get banned.
Wow and amazing. Does this pose any ban risk though? And at minute 0:32 after fuzzy search what do I press?

I've used the method for over a year, and am in beyond/year 9 at this point and not banned, so it should be safe (so long as you avoid house pride/full marks!).

After the fuzzy search, I click for "changed". This is because the timer is counting down every second, so we know that the value that we have searched for is also ticking down.
Wish game guardian could make seasonal quests available but i guess such way would be too complicated.

There might be a way to trigger them early. As I've used OpenMystery, I've got a better look at how the game triggers cerain events by looking through the files.

While game guardian will not be able to do it, it might be possible with cheat engine and an emulator on PC to string edit some of the requirements to trigger the TLSQs. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I will at some point.
Also might have a way of disabling full marks (technically it would disable all events, but that's probably a worthwhile tradeoff for some people), but that is harder to do. I will also test that at some point, but will have to test it on an account that I wouldn't be worried about loosing.
As long as it doesn't disable new TLSQs from triggering, I'm interested in seeing how that would work. I never participate in any of the other events because the rewards don't interest me. Would it be something you'd have to reapply every time you launch the game or install the latest update, or is it a one-and-done deal?
Like you said, wouldn't it block all events completely? It's akin to playing offline, r8? It might be okay for some who haven't caught up as they still have many things to do (story, dates, friendship, feeding creatures, SQs, etc). But for people who have already caught up and clear almost all things there are (I've reached this point), we are scarce on new contents already. The only thing left for caught-up people to do is developing a completionist nature and grab as many clothes as you can even if those set of clothes are ugly as hell. Well, at least that's the only thing I do in my main acc. Good thing I have another accounts lol
Now thats interesting i already used cheat engine before at one point.
I wish we could disable only FM and HP events instead of whole event cause i do want stuff form event for key etc.

TLSQs should be fine.

I haven't tested it yet but I'm guessing that you would have to edit this file every time the game updates.

Essentially, there is a file called "PredicateAlias-b3de4ee691a027a2f3f80b6fa9c661a1" in the game files which contains prerequisites for certain scripts in the game. The relevant one is:

"aliasId": "isReadyForEvents",
"aliasedPredicate": "isGoalComplete(\"Y1_C6_P1\")"

This is saying that the player is ready for events after completing part 1 of chapter 6 in year 1. Before that, your character doesn't get events.

There's a few things that could happen. The best case scenario is that by changing the "isGoalComplete(\"Y1_C6_P1\")" part to something else, the game will think that you are not ready yet and will not show events. This would be possible on both PC and mobile so long as you could get access to where the local files for the game are stored.

One of the scenarios is that this might only work for players who aren't already past that point, which isn't as useful for existing players but I guess might be useful if I got banned and wanted to replay from start.

If that is the case, that will be because the "isReadyForEvents" part is already written to the save (rather than the game checking after each launch). With string editing it might be possible to sabotage the "isReadyForEvents" part to something else but that is a lot more difficult (but still possible, although only on PC and only with cheat engine). You would have to wait for the game to start loading, turn on airplane mode, and string edit "isReadyForEvents" to something else before the game has finished loading.

Again, I will test this at some point to make sure it is safe.
per un errore mio sono stato bannato in quanto avevo contattato il servizio clienti. Volevo sapere se c'è un modo per riuscire a rigiocare con la versione platinmod in quanto cancellando e reistallando mi compare che sono stato espulso.
You can replay but only on another device(if you used actual device and not emulator) but you will have to start from the beginning if you do it would be better if your banned acc was connected to fb and not device itself because that way you can still use device you used prior to ban.
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