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65 across the board is adequate for the main story as of now. However, if you don't want to be blocked behind friendship check, make sure to reach at least all 68 before V2C8. With how many chapters there are in V1, getting to 68 through normal gameplay is achievable. Feeding max creatures really helps gaining attributes faster. Even more faster if you hand-feed them.
Ill use GG to yeet that guy into max lvl anyway is about that guy from beyond.(I literally used library to lvl characters without GG because i dont wanna have to care about attributes they require for interaction so this is way better for me,)
Ill use GG to yeet that guy into max lvl anyway is about that guy from beyond.(I literally used library to lvl characters without GG because i dont wanna have to care about attributes they require for interaction so this is way better for me,)
Lol using GG is of course more easy. I too used to use Library in the past. On top of leveling our friendship levels, it's also the best way (for mod users) to level up attributes faster. Sadly, there's no such mechanism in Beyond. The Wizarding Tasks in Beyond unlike the classes at Hogwarts, they are not color specific. So, it's much harder to farm specific crystals during PP event. Most of the time, I use pages during PP, cuz I'm too lazy to do tasks in Beyond.
Quelqu'un d'autre a-t-il activé le TLSQ de Noël BTH ? Je pense qu'au début du mois, ils nous ont donné la possibilité de nous inscrire pour avoir la mission, même sans avoir obtenu notre diplôme, dans le Play Store, il était également indiqué quelque chose de similaire. Je n'ai pas compris comment ils allaient l'appliquer, c'est un peu étrange, pourquoi c'était comme ça ? I did it
Je ne pense pas que le fait d'op-in les oblige à vérifier les comptes, je pensais qu'ils ne vérifiaient que les rapports (de plus, j'ai surtout gardé mon énergie basse, à moins que la collecte ne commence à la mettre plus haut et que cela soit dépensé en cours/tlsqs) ils n'ont pas vérifié les comptes
Lol using GG is of course more easy. I too used to use Library in the past. On top of leveling our friendship levels, it's also the best way (for mod users) to level up attributes faster. Sadly, there's no such mechanism in Beyond. The Wizarding Tasks in Beyond unlike the classes at Hogwarts, they are not color specific. So, it's much harder to farm specific crystals during PP event. Most of the time, I use pages during PP, cuz I'm too lazy to do tasks in Beyond.
Ah PP you knwo you can use GG for those crystals as well too tho?(not saying you should only that it works for me when i forget on one acc and need to fast get them before event ends(provided i want the reward even).
Ah PP you knwo you can use GG for those crystals as well too tho?(not saying you should only that it works for me when i forget on one acc and need to fast get them before event ends(provided i want the reward even).
Yeah, I know. But, PP is quite easy to complete unlike Crests or Carnival. Besides, I've amassed quite a number of pages from BB in the past. I've done all the Duelling Events and TLSQs from the Memory Book, so there's no other way for me to use those pages besides PP.
Yeah, I know. But, PP is quite easy to complete unlike Crests or Carnival. Besides, I've amassed quite a number of pages from BB in the past. I've done all the Duelling Events and TLSQs from the Memory Book, so there's no other way for me to use those pages besides PP.
Yea i only use them for last of duelling events(which is now down to 2-3)
Pour l'instant, un niveau de 65 est suffisant pour l' histoire principale . Cependant, si vous ne voulez pas être bloqué par un test d'amitié, assurez-vous d'atteindre au moins les 68 avant la V2C8. Avec le nombre de chapitres de la V1, il est possible d'atteindre le niveau 68 en jouant normalement. Nourrir le maximum de créatures aide vraiment à gagner des attributs plus rapidement. Encore plus rapidement si vous les nourrissez à la main.
72 73 not 68
I was never too worried about friendship levels in the first place, they rarely have an impact on the story. The only friendship interaction I regret missing out on is not being able to take Charlie to fight the dragon at the end of Y5.

Romance, on the other hand, I'm still grinding for. I have too many coins and nothing to spend them on, so I don't mind doing dates over and over again.
I was never too worried about friendship levels in the first place, they rarely have an impact on the story. The only friendship interaction I regret missing out on is not being able to take Charlie to fight the dragon at the end of Y5.

Romance, on the other hand, I'm still grinding for. I have too many coins and nothing to spend them on, so I don't mind doing dates over and over again.
I just do it for final rewards(specifically those spells we get from twins) as for romance i do have plenty of coins i just dont feel like constantly remembering choices for all characters when i go on date so i only do one)
I just do it for final rewards(specifically those spells we get from twins) as for romance i do have plenty of coins i just dont feel like constantly remembering choices for all characters when i go on date so i only do one)
Oh no, I don't have the time or patience to grind multiple romance options. I picked Merula because I'm a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope. But I have such a huge abundance of coins that I never spend on anything else, so instead of using GG to get max level with her right away, I'm just repeating it naturally. It's one of the only cooldowns in the game you can skip with coins instead of gems too. 😂
Blame my completionist self, I can't resist completing all friendships and romances just for the exclusive rewards even though I know I'll rarely wear them (some of the cosmetics are lame). I also can't stand being locked behind friendship check even though there's a chance I wouldn't choose that option, lol. I maxed out all friends before graduation—library had done a great deal on helping me grinding for them. Romance tho, was another thing. Ain't nobody got time to raise all LIs to level 7. Even doing one took forever. Sadly, I had to use GG for that.

On previous TDP, there might be some indication for that 'new friend' in Beyond could have a romance option(?) no doubt I'll try to complete that friend too if that were the case lol
Oh no, I don't have the time or patience to grind multiple romance options. I picked Merula because I'm a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope. But I have such a huge abundance of coins that I never spend on anything else, so instead of using GG to get max level with her right away, I'm just repeating it naturally. It's one of the only cooldowns in the game you can skip with coins instead of gems too. 😂
Ah my main also romances merula xD(i let her become lvl 7 i tend to also go for enemies to lover trope but my alt is going for talbott(female).
C'est la faute de mon côté perfectionniste, je ne peux pas résister à l'envie de terminer toutes mes amitiés et romances juste pour les récompenses exclusives, même si je sais que je les porterai rarement (certains cosmétiques sont nuls). Je ne supporte pas non plus d'être enfermée derrière un test d'amitié, même s'il y a une chance que je ne choisisse pas cette option, mdr. J'ai maximisé tous mes amis avant l'obtention de mon diplôme - la bibliothèque m'avait beaucoup aidé à les obtenir. La romance, par contre, était une autre chose. Personne n'a le temps d'élever tous les LI au niveau 7. Même en faire un a pris une éternité. Malheureusement, j'ai dû utiliser GG pour ça.

Dans le TDP précédent, il pourrait y avoir une indication que ce « nouvel ami » dans Beyond pourrait avoir une option de romance (?), j'essaierai sans aucun doute de compléter cet ami aussi si c'était le cas mdr
Maybe Callum
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