Luckily, some of them are re-releases and you won't have to get so many tokens. By the way, they haven't included token gifts in the brilliant offers for a while, like before, when they would arrive before the store closed.
I have 3 outfits from the store that I don't have in my main, I need at least 3300 tokens to buy them three (provided each outfit prices at 1100). With the lack of token earning events I can participate, it's not gonna be enough.
Yeah, they haven't done that in ages if my memory serves right, the tokens offer in BB I mean.
Yeah, but the only known ways to earn token store, as far as I know, are only through Daily Planner and events (e.g. FM, PP, Crests, etc). With the hibernation, we can't participate in those token earning events.
I have 3 outfits from the store that I don't have in my main, I need at least 3300 tokens to buy them three (provided each outfit prices at 1100). With the lack of token earning events I can participate, it's not gonna be enough.
Yeah, they haven't done that in ages if my memory serves right, the tokens offer in BB I mean.
Even getting 1100 is very difficult.
Well, in fact, a few days ago I saw that the paid offers include tokens and other important items that used to be given in the Brilliant Offers for gems, and now they only give inkwells for gems, plus candy, food, and some outfits.
It's a shame, I hope those epic offers where you stock up on everything LOL come back.
some tlsqs are blocked after reaching certain year for whatever reason JC has decided for it so you need check that but i mostly need just one more tlsq from our hogwarts years tbh so im lucky with my main xD
Anyone ever have any trouble getting the Rath TLSQ to trigger? I know Quidditch sqs are low priority, but it's been about 4 days since I triggered a TLSQ (should be up to date now), and am worried the game bugged out.
Sometimes I think TLSQs have a mind of their own. Just when we think we have the priority mechanics or the cooldown completely figured out, they change how they work altogether.