and once you go back its the year of highest chapters in this game so far xD
Yeah, I just started it a few days ago. I'm really excited to plow through my last year at Hogwarts, but 60 chapters is gonna take a while.
Also I knew ahead of time that Merula was the spy, but the fact that my MC is dating her adds a whole extra layer of drama and tension. That's why she's my favorite dating option!
They do that now? I stopped touching my game since this afternoon, got no motivation to check the game again. It's good then.year 7 was quite a lot even for me maybe my alt will come there one day but rn i aint touching more of my alts xD
Also nice that JC gave us spellbiding sequence with gems and tokens btw xD
they put two sequences ones was for cheap gems with tokens and other was regular one.They do that now? I stopped touching my game since this afternoon, got no motivation to check the game again. It's good then.
Crap I did. And saw i think 2nd place.Yup that one and house pride(but house pride usually doesnt touch you if you dont do anything for house points) full marks should be active by now so dont log until its done.
we said it earlier tho that FM is to come in few hours now prey no cheater goes crazy with points and crybaby that is regular player doesn't contact support about it which would cause group to be investigated and you alongside rest of cheaters banned either immediately or few days after.Crap I did. And saw i think 2nd place.
Ugh well ... hope I don't get banned ... lol there a place to go to see events or heads up to not log in lol
if you are past loading screen you are in group already....Crap, I logged in for less than a minute before I noticed.
we said it earlier tho that FM is to come in few hours now prey no cheater goes crazy with points and crybaby that is regular player doesn't contact support about it which would cause group to be investigated and you alongside rest of cheaters banned either immediately or few days after.
We all do i still think this exact event and participating in it costed me my former main which is why i dont log in rn especially not with main.I really hate these damn things.
Shit. Hopefully nobody reports me. Thankfully I have a score of zero so I don't think anyone will. By the way, what happens to SQs that run out of time? Can you retrigger them at some point?
I hope it's just a community thing; no matter how long it takes, it's preferable to them stopping Beyond. Hogwarts can't handle everything at this point; even if they release a lot of TLSQs, at some point people will want Beyond to make significant progress.That's what I also fears. They spoke about a massive Beyond update on the official page hphm
Yeah, last year it was leaked that Quidditch would be coming to Beyond, and it's interesting to see. I've been playing in Hogwazkaban for a year now, and I want to finish it once and for all because I'm fascinated by everything in Beyond.I haven't moved past chapter 16 volume 2, since there hasn't been any meaningful development so far. Even if a new chapter drops, I'll just watch it on yt, at least until I see some real progression in the main story. If they're just going to do a half-assed job on Beyond, they might as well have wrapped it up in Y7 and called it quits. I know they're planning something big with the new 'Magical Plants Care' and Quidditch (TDP stuff), but it feels like they're just making things up as they go. That’s why Beyond’s story feels even more half-baked compared to our Hogwarts days—they're just so unprepared in many areas.
All you can do is hope you get lucky. Remember: even if you're not actively cheating, or even if you switch back to the vanilla app, you can still get banned if other players in your group get reported. Jam City has to stop and check everyone's accounts in the group when it happens.Crap I did. And saw i think 2nd place.
Ugh well ... hope I don't get banned ... lol there a place to go to see events or heads up to not log in lol