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Open Request Harry Potter: Magic Awakened



Game Name: Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Anything possible
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No - I dont know to mod
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Upvote 10
would be good if it were moddable. beta version was good but they changed it into a moneygrab compared to the asian version
Won't happen, and here's why.
When the game came out it appeared pretty quickly that it was easily modable. Lots of sites released mods for it.
Then the game's publisher contacted all of them and shut the mod down, under threat of being sued in court.
No game deserves to go to jail or pay so much high fee that it will ruin your life.
Then the game's publisher contacted all of them and shut the mod down, under threat of being sued in court.
That's a massively empty threat knowing chinese companies.

Also I really hope someone mod it now because they made it even more pay to win.

If the game is easily modable, does it mean game guardian would work on it?
Everything could be server sided? Most games that aré like this one from china like online with other players aré like this, they problably learn from how Easy Hogwarts mystery got hacked
Personally I long lost hope. If there's any cheats for it, they are probably kept behind closed doors (and if there's any way to get in on it, I'm a taker) and platinmods either isn't interested or can't do it.

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