Solved Help me please.

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Привет, ребята, как сделать бесконечное HP (режим бога) и Low HP для врагов в играх, таких как Kings Raid и Sword Art Online: интегральный фактор, где эти значения приблизительно или как их найти?
Translation from Google:
Hi guys, how to make infinite HP (god mode) and Low HP for enemies in games such as Kings Raid and Sword Art Online: an integral factor, where these values are approximate or how to find them?
First you should take a look into our Tutorial Section:

With that you can learn the Basics of modding, but that is not enough for King's Raid and other Popular Games like this.

You should learn a Programming Language too, for modding Android Games you should lear C# first, C++ and Java is good for this too.
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