Help! Help Spawn Items in Granny


Original poster
Jan 14, 2024
//Help Fix How to Make Spawn item like this and Spinner with Clickbutton

struct GrannyItemPointers{ //class PickUp
void* newAvbitare; //Cutting Pliers
void* newHammare; // Hammer
void* newvas; //Vase (Black)
void* newvas2; //Vase (Blue)
void* newsafeKey; //Safekey
void* newexitKey; //Master Key
void* newhanglockKey; //Padlock Key
void* newpadlockCode; //Padlock Code
void* newarmborst; //Crossbow
void* newArrow; //Tranquilizer Dart
void* newweaponKey; //Weapon Key
void* newscrewdriver; //Screwdriver
void* newplanka; //Plank
void* newbattery; //Battery
void* newplayhouseKey; //Playhouse Key
void* newcarKey; //Car Key
void* newmelon; //Melon
void* newteddy; //Teddy
void* newkugg1; //Cogwheel (Red)
void* newkugg2; //Cogwheel (Orange)

void* newmessage; //Message
void* newbrunnsvev; //Winch Handle
void* newoldShotgun; //Shotgun
void* newgunDel1; //gunDel1
void* newgunDel2; //gunDel2
void* newgunDel3; //gunDel3
void* newtopplock; //Engine Part
void* newcarbattery; //Car Battery
void* newgascan; //Gasolin Can
void* newwrench; //Wrency
void* newsparkplug; //Spark Plug
void* newmeat; //Meat
void* newspecialkey; //Special Key
void* newbook; //Book
void* newpepperspray; //Pepper Spray
void* newremote; //Remote Control
void* newbirdSeed; //Bird Seed
void* newfreezeTrap; //Freeze Trap
void* newwheelCrank; //Wheel Crank
void* newrustyPadlockKey; //Rusty Padlock Key
void* newwoodenStick; //Wooden Stick
void* newspiderKey; //Spider Key
void* newchainCutter; //Chain Cutter
void* newtb1; //Piece of Painting 1
void* newtb2; //Piece of Painting 2
void* newtb3; //Piece of Painting 3
void* newtb4; //Piece of Painting 4
void* ammo;
void* teddy;
void* grannny; //Piece of Painting 2
void* playerr;
void* seeray; //Piece of Painting 4
void* spider;
void* sbook;
void* kamera;
void* pdoor;
void* fans;
void* fanco;
void* crow;
void* wst;
void* ws;
void* we;


void (*old_PickUp_Update)(void* _);
void PickUp_Update(void* _){

Items.newAvbitare = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0xF8);
Items.newHammare = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x100);
Items.newvas = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x108);
Items.newvas2 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x110);
Items.newsafeKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x118);
Items.newexitKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x120);
Items.newhanglockKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x128);
Items.newpadlockCode = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x130);
Items.newarmborst = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x138);
Items.newArrow = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x13C);

Items.newweaponKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x148);
Items.newscrewdriver = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x150);
Items.newplanka = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x158);
Items.newbattery = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x160);
Items.newplayhouseKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x168);
Items.newcarKey = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x170);
Items.newmelon = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x178);
Items.newteddy = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x180);
Items.newkugg1 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x188);
Items.newkugg2 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x190);

Items.newmessage = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x198);
Items.newbrunnsvev = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1A0);
Items.newoldShotgun = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1AC);
Items.newgunDel1 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1C4);
Items.newgunDel2 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1CC);
Items.newgunDel3 = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1D4);
Items.newtopplock = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1DC);
Items.newcarbattery = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1E8);
Items.newgascan = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1F4);
Items.newwrench = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x1FC);

Items.newsparkplug = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x204);
Items.newmeat = *(void* *) ((uint64_t) _ + 0x214);


May 17, 2020
the void
I hate to say this but you should try to figure it out yourself. Your issue is not really that hard to figure out. Also an additional tip, look into the rest of the mod menu, you'll have an easier time understanding it.


Jun 15, 2024
void *(*Instantiate)(void*, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot);
Vector3 (*get_position)(void * t);
void (*set_position)(void* t, Vector3 value);
Quaternion (*get_rotation)(void * t);
void *(*get_transform_GameObject)(void * t);
void *(*get_gameObject_component)(void * t);
Vector3 (*get_forward)(void * t);

// Main Logic
if (player) {
void *plyrTransform = get_transform_GameObject(player);

if (plyrTransform) {
Vector3 posn = get_position(plyrTransform);

if (SpawnButtonClicked) {
Quaternion q = get_rotation(plyrTransform);
Vector3 itemPositionFront = posn + (get_forward(plyrTransform) * 3);

if (SelectedItem!= NULL) {
Instantiate(SelectedItem, itemPositionFront, q);
SpawnButtonClicked = false;

if (GrannySpawn) {
Instantiate(granny, itemPositionFront, q);
GrannySpawn = false;


// Function Pointers
Instantiate = (void*(*)(void*, Vector3, Quaternion)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17A4678);
get_gameObject_component = (void *(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17A92D4);
get_transform_GameObject = (void *(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17A39E0);
get_forward = (Vector3(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17B5F00);
get_rotation = (Quaternion(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17B5738);
get_position = (Vector3(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17B52A8);
set_position = (void (*)(void*, Vector3)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x17B5378);

// Hook Functions
MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x5F0FA4), (void *)PickUp_Update, (void **)&old_PickUp_Update);
MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x5A1718), (void *)FPSControllerNEW_FixedUpdate, (void **)&old_FPSControllerNEW_FixedUpdate);