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Help! Help with memory change detection!


Hello, thanks in advance for your halves!

Game name: Gorebox
Security: Codestage Anti-Cheat Toolkit (ACTk), Half Dump Obfuscation(I don't know if maybe there could be a new anti cheat)

My Problem:
In older versions, after disabling methods such as OnCheatDetected, OnCheatingDetected in ACTk in DUMP.cs via Game Guardian or Lgl Menu with the NOP patch, Anti-Cheat could not detect it when I changed the Obscured Values.
And when I changed all the non-Obscured values, there was no problem.
But now in the new version the game freezes even when changing some moddable and non-obscured values.
// Namespace:
public class GBWeapon : MonoBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 1144
    // Fields
    public Transform playerCam; // 0x18
    public Animator anim; // 0x20
    public AudioPlayer AS; // 0x28
    public LayerMask layerShootAble; // 0x30
    public LayerMask layerOrgan; // 0x34
    public InvObject DropObject; // 0x38
    public Transform WeaponModel; // 0x40
    public float Damage; // 0x48
    public float DamageObjects; // 0x4C
    public int SoundRange; // 0x50
    public float fireRate; // 0x54
    public int SoundID; // 0x58
    public int WeaponType; // 0x5C
    public bool shootAble; // 0x60
    public bool Damageprops; // 0x61
    public bool DamageOrgans; // 0x62
    public string Name; // 0x68
    private string YVPP`]aPI; // 0x70
    public int ID; // 0x78
    private ObscuredFloat PbKBDHQ`E; // 0x7C
    private ObscuredFloat AKObJ]]BQ; // 0x90
    private ObscuredInt AEQRDI]TT; // 0xA4
    public float bulletSpread; // 0xB4
    public float bulletSpreadAim; // 0xB8
    public float currentBulletSpread; // 0xBC
    public float Recoil; // 0xC0
    public float RecoilAim; // 0xC4
    private float Knockback; // 0xC8
    public float KnockbackMlp; // 0xCC
    private float Bullet Recoil; // 0xD0
    public bool Melee; // 0xD4
    public bool Automatic; // 0xD5
    public float bleedMultiplierMelee; // 0xD8
    public bool Dismemberable; // 0xDC
    public GameObject UseProjectile; // 0xE0
    public GameObject ProjectilePreview; // 0xE8
    public ParticleSystem MuzzleFlash; // 0xF0
    public ParticleSystem caseEject; // 0xF8
    public float AimFov; // 0x100
    public int MagSize; // 0x104
    public ObscuredInt AmmoLeft; // 0x108
    public int AmmoTypeID; // 0x118
    public float ReloadTime; // 0x11C
    public float ReloadTimeTactical; // 0x120
    public bool Sniper; // 0x124
    public float ScopeDelayTime; // 0x128
    public float cameraRecoil; // 0x12C
    public ObscuredBool Shotgun; // 0x130
    public bool aiming; // 0x13C
    public float targetFOV; // 0x140
    public bool aimAble; // 0x144
    public bool AimingEnabled; // 0x145
    public bool MultiStepReload; // 0x146
    public float ReloadStartDelay; // 0x148
    public float ReloadDelay; // 0x14C
    public float ReloadEndDelay; // 0x150
    public Dictionary<DamageSystem, float> DamSys; // 0x158
    public Dictionary<PlayerDamageSystem, float> PDamSys; // 0x160
    public bool infectAble; // 0x168
    public int SoundIDSwing; // 0x16C
    public int SoundIDFlesh; // 0x170
    public float HitDelay; // 0x174
    public bool LeaveWound; // 0x178
    public bool DamageOnUse; // 0x179
    public float missDamage; // 0x17C
    public float hitDamageUsage; // 0x180
    public ObscuredFloat Range; // 0x184
    public ObscuredFloat blockEffectiveness; // 0x198
    private float OK`FNCOOQ; // 0x1AC
    private ObjectPooler `JYZRPaSY; // 0x1B0
    public GBWeapon.AttackType[] attacks; // 0x1B8
    private int Y[bXWVO`]; // 0x1C0
    public MeshRenderer[] skinObject; // 0x1C8
For example, even though this value is not obscured, when you change it, the game freezes.
public float Damage; // 0x48
But similarly, when I change this field offset, which is not very important, there is no problem.
public float Recoil; // 0xC0
Another example, if I change this obscured field offset correctly without exceeding the maximum magazine limit, there is no problem, but if I exceed the maximum magazine limit, the game freezes again.
public ObscuredInt AmmoLeft; // 0x108
While experimenting a bit I noticed that I found all the sub-values of this field offset through Game Guardian. I changed some of them including the weapons and the game did not freeze, but when I changed the values of some weapons it froze.
public float fireRate; // 0x54
Only the multiplayer part of the game is server-based, I tried this offline by turning off the internet, but there was no difference.
Some memory information about the game: In the game, the unique values of each weapon are stored at a different offset.

I am waiting for your help
(The dump file of the game is attached )
