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Help! Hooking static method!


hello everyone, I have encountered a problem with the static method hook in my game. That's what he looks like:
[Token(Token = "0x6000E80")]
[Address(RVA = "0xFD2A40", Offset = "0xFD1A40", VA = "0xFD2A40")]
public static void DestroyGO()
I tried to hack it like this:
void (*DestroyGO)();
if (ImGui::Button("Destroy")) {
DestroyGO = (void (*)())KittyMemory::getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, string2Offset(Ob("0x1622604")));
but as soon as I click on the checkbox, my game crashes instantly, I thought it was a specific static method, but no, so I couldn't hook anything. please help those who know the solution