Help! How do I mod json of Disney Emoji Blitz?


So, I want to be able to edit the save file of Disney Emoji Blitz, which is the playerblob.json. I things that I want to edit are:

  • The characters I have
  • The character's levels
  • The coins, gems, lives, and emoji charges
  • Mission Rank
Other people were able to successfully edit the file, but there wasn't really a guide for how you edit it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it!
Copy your savedata file to some where, then go into game and play to increase or decrease level, coins etc.. then close game and copy new savedata file. The Simple Compare both in Hex Editor. This method will work if Data not encrypted.
Copy your savedata file to some where, then go into game and play to increase or decrease level, coins etc.. then close game and copy new savedata file. The Simple Compare both in Hex Editor. This method will work if Data not encrypted.
Is this only for windows? I use to do it but now i have mac and iphone amd dont know how to do it.
The JSON is encoded and I've tried everything within my knowledge to decode it with no luck. I investigated the dll's in Dnspy and it just seems to be the default Unity JSON encryption. I am SURE there are smart people out there that can figure it out. I want to know about this also, I was locked out of the game for 3 weeks due to a bug the game had for some players so now I'm behind on progress and if I could simply edit the json I could change whatever I want and the developers can suck it!

Here is the decrypted PlayerBlob.json file (note: I didn't decrypt it; I found it online already decrypted). The zip file labeled "Disney Emoji Blitz" contains the save data with 551 emojis unlocked, while the one labeled "Disney Emoji Blitz Eazycheat" only has 90 characters.

I'm seeking assistance because I'm having trouble finding the correct IDs for certain emojis to input into the .json file to unlock all 661 emojis automatically. What I've discovered is that certain emojis need to be entered in specific ways for the game to recognize them as unlocked. For example:

  • For Meg from the movie Hercules, you need to enter it in the file as follows:
    Copiar código
    "EmojiCollection.Owned_Megara": 1,
    "EmojiCollection.Viewed_Megara": 1,
    "EmojiCollection.SkillXP_Megara": 3,

  • For Cruz Ramirez from Cars, you only need to enter the first name:
    Copiar código
    "EmojiCollection.Owned_Cruz": 1,
    "EmojiCollection.Viewed_Cruz": 1,
    "EmojiCollection.SkillXP_Cruz": 3

  • For the green aliens from Toy Story, you need to use the acronym of their other name, LGM (Little Green Men):

    "EmojiCollection.Owned_LGM": 1,
    "EmojiCollection.Viewed_LGM": 1,
Here are other examples of character IDs.

Tutorial for Installing Save Data
To make the save data work, you need to have the Disney Emoji Blitz APK installed. Ensure that only the APK is installed without any downloaded data. Then, open the app, and as soon as the JAM CITY logo appears, close the app. Next, locate the downloaded PlayerBlob.json file and move it to the files folder inside com.disneyemojiblitz, which is located within the data folder in the Android folder on your mobile device. After copying the file, reopen the app, and after a few minutes, you should have the new hacked save data.

Here is the page I use to edit and add characters to the decrypted JSON file:

Additionally, here is a TXT file containing the names of the characters that I haven't been able to get the game to recognize as unlocked. If you could help me with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.


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