Help! How does a skin changer work?


Ok so here's the thing I'm working on. Here's my function

// Token: 0x06001EBB RID: 7867 RVA: 0x00002052 File Offset: 0x00000252
[Token(Token = "0x6001EBB")]
[Address(RVA = "0x16BE680", Offset = "0x16BE680", VA = "0x16BE680")]
public static AELEPACEJDO GetDungeonData(int PFLHNHCHPFJ)

and then my dungeon list

// Token: 0x04000D1E RID: 3358
[Token(Token = "0x4000D1E")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x78")]
public static Dictionary<int, AELEPACEJDO> DungenList;

For example, here's one of the dungeons

// Token: 0x04000C6E RID: 3182
[Token(Token = "0x4000C6E")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x8")]
public int PFLHNHCHPFJ;

I was wondering how I put the dungeon I want in GetDungeonData. Do I make it equal the RID? or is it done a different way? This would be the same practicality as a skin changer
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