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Discussion How to bypass pairip on an online Unity Game?


Hey all, I'm wondering how some people bypass pairip on online unity games?
I played a game in the past that used pairip + anti-cheat toolkit protection and used split apks.
Any edit you made to it would crash the game as it had a newer version of pairip.
Well today I saw somebody uploaded a version that had converted the xapk to an apk, and bypassed all pairip protection.
I'm wondering how they did this?
I've compared their app to an xapk converted to apk of the original game.
There are a crap ton of differences.
If anybody knows of a tool that can bypass pairip (seems like the creator had one) please inform me on it!

Regular version (xapk not yet apk): Wolf Online APK for Android Download

Bypassed pairip version: Download Wolf Online Pairip Bypass Leviathan apk

I've been told by multiple people it wasn't possible to bypass the newest unity pairip, but above is a bypassed version of this app (updated in May w newest version in May)

I'm wondering the same, I've found a paid telegram chancel which has many reverse engineering and modding tutorials. Apparently it has tutorial on removing new pairip as well. It's 65 USD, I'm going to join in the next few days. Will update then with results.
I think the '5.0.1' mod in your link is actually version 5.0.0, and it seems it doesn't have the latest pairip either.

Yep you're right, just checked the apk against official 5.0.1. The guy is using 5.0.0 apk with old pairip (which is easy to bypass) and then he changed the version code to 5.0.1 inside AndroidManifest.xml to make it look like the latest version

I guess they were right, new pairip can't be bypassed, only removed completely.
Try something to patch only adding 1 byte (00) in the lib, then try the old method with old pairip, then try to find what they added as new, maybe it's a simple check, you can compare old APK (old pairip) and new APK (new pairip)
Try something to patch only adding 1 byte (00) in the lib, then try the old method with old pairip, then try to find what they added as new, maybe it's a simple check, you can compare old APK (old pairip) and new APK (new pairip)
Hi, I also found that most of the errors are related to the so files in the lib folder. I suspect that this is the main change in the new version of pairip. Can you tell me how to fix the so files? Is it just adding 00 to the front using the hexeditor tool?

It's also detecting signature and tampering
Just as an extra information, there are already ways to bypass the latest version of pairip and remove it completely, although it seems that completely removing pairip is not possible in all games or apps; but these methods still do not release it to the public, many of these people avoid sharing it as much as possible or in certain cases they sell it.

What about latest LIAPP?
It is very easy to remove pairip from any application, but with Unity games, it is a bit more complicated since there are pairip methods within the il2cpp and libunity libraries that can be bypassed using IDA Pro, but it is very tedious.