Help! How to bypass sideloaded check for apk ?


Solid & Active Platinian
Hi everyone,

I wonder how we can bypass sideloaded check apk game ?
This action will check we install these game from 3rd source like apkcome,apkpure or from the google play store.
If the game install from 3rd source, it is not allow we go in game.
Have a old topic here how to bypass but with il2cpp game I still not find any solution.

Search in the app's dex code if there are any methods doing a check for what installer was used. Change from (aka Google Play Store) to If it gives out an error window about it being sideloaded, check to see what code is preceding the code for the string and try to trick any conditional in there with the value it wants for a non-sideloaded app. Sometimes, especially if the sideload status is pulled from a native library, this will be useless and you will have to modify both this (either where it pulls the status or in the library where it's output) along with code that may exist inside the native library where it disables itself even if you override the output for the sideload status in the dex. If there is anything from PairIP or Secneo in the dex, don't even bother.
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