Help! How to get out of a 32-bit IOS game made with Unity 4

I've been slowly figuring out how to reverse engineer a game I used to play when I was little called Plundernauts. The game servers shut down a while ago, and I'm trying to figure out a way to patch out the online functionality, as the game has a single player campaign that doesn't seem to depend on an online connection

I've come to learn that the game has its mono library modified, which breaks tools like dnspy and IDA and prevents me from seeing the body of the methods in Assembly-Csharp.dll. The game doesn't use IL2CPP:


I've been following this tutorial to try to get the Assembly-Csharp.dll de-obfuscated, but I cant figure out how to extract from the game. It seems to be relatively straightforward for Android, but I cant find any info on this for IOS. I'd appreciate any help
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