Solved How to hack such games? Any workaround?

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i am seeing more and more games with such implementation.
2 ways: Trying, trying, trying. Means test every method which isn't obfuscated or try the obfuscated too
Other Way: Deobfuscate, but i don't think that you can do it currently, so only way 1 is for you.
I modded succesfully 2 Games with this. I searched the normal offsets like Money or what Else. The Most time i found a Little bit. If you analyse this Offset you can see with what this is combined and then trying trying.
Will set it to solved.
How i said, it's obfuscated. You can mod Games like this only with trying,trying,trying or search for other Keywords and things and maybe you have luck.
Or you learn real programming and you are able to deobfuscate this.
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