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Help! How to hook that void fun.?

void (*FinishAllQuests)(void *instance);

FinishAllQuests = (void(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x7E6EE0);

You need to hook it to an update method, preferably one from the same/similar class.
Then you can use it in a hook like so...

void (*old_Update)(void *instance);
void Update(void *instance) {
    if(instance!=nullptr) {
        if(Test) {

HOOK("0xOFFSET", Update, old_Update);
int Void hooking (with update offset) =
bool VoidHookingint;

void (*Anyname)(void *instance,int value);
void (*_Voidinthooking)(void *instance);
void Voidinthooking(void *instance) {
    if (instance != NULL) {
        if (VoidHookingFloat) {
            Anyname(instance, 999); //you can replace it with any number you want
            return _Voidinthooking(instance);

 Anyname = (void (*)(void *, int))getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName,0xYourVoidOffset);

 case 0:
        VoidHookingint = boolean;
i make it like this it is possible?

void *instanceBtn;
void (*OpenredeemPanel)(void *instance);

void (*old_Update)(void *instance);
void Update(void *instance) {
if(instance!=nullptr) {
if(Test) {

in lib64hook
OpenredeemPanel = (void(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x4E5714);

in featnum
case 3:
Thank you so much bro! I had an INT getmagsize for ammo but when I hex patched it for infinite ammo it didn't do anything in game. So then I hooked it but it still didn't do anything. And that's all I had for ammo believe it or not. I was totally discounting a VOID "set mag size" for ammo that I had, because I thought that the only thing I can do with a VOID method is NOP it. So just for the hell of it I NOP'd it to see what would happen, and nothing happened. So then I hooked it for 9999 using your code above and it worked! By the way, I don't know why but I couldn't use those 2 lines. I kept getting errors. So I just deleted those 2 lines and it still worked lol
int Void hooking (with update offset) =
bool VoidHookingint;
Thank you so much bro!

It might be called LateUpdate or FixedUpdate. Those should also work. Otherwise try a Start() or Awake() method. And when all else fails look for an Update/LateUpdate/FixedUpdate/Start/Awake from a different but similar class. Good luck