Help! how to kook function like set_atk:void in LGL mod menu


Solid & Active Platinian
hello guys, pls help me hook this function, I've tried but it not works
I cannot f find any unpdate, lateupdate.... function like that....:face01:

[Token(Token = "0x60021CD")]
[Address(RVA = "0xC6E1A4", Offset = "0xC6E1A4", VA = "0xC6E1A4")]
public void set_atk(int value)

my code:

void (*old_set_atk)(void *instance, int value);
void set_atk_hook(void *instance, int value) {
    if (instance != NULL) {
        if (Hack2 > 1) {
            value *= Hack;
    old_set_atk(instance, value);

 A64HookFunction((void *) getAbsoluteAddress(libName, 0xC6E1A4),
                    (void *) set_atk_hook,(void **) &old_set_atk);
No FixedUpdate either I guess?

In that case, try finding an Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate in a similar class. For example if your class is called PlayerStats, look for one of those 3 Updates in a class called PlayerBehavior (just as an example). In other words don't go to a class called EnemyBehavior. I mean when all else fails, it can't hurt to try them all, but it's more logical to start out with a similiar class, you know what I mean? You can also check this link out for more info about this issue:

No FixedUpdate either I guess?

In that case, try finding an Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate in a similar class. For example if your class is called PlayerStats, look for one of those 3 Updates in a class called PlayerBehavior (just as an example). In other words don't go to a class called EnemyBehavior. I mean when all else fails, it can't hurt to try them all, but it's more logical to start out with a similiar class, you know what I mean? You can also check this link out for more info about this issue:

Thank you!
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