Help! How to Mod FP Functions


Solid & Active Platinian
Is it possible to Mod such a function, and how does it Work? I Changed The value of the Offset but It won't Work.
Is "FP" a Kind of Security?

// Token: 0x1700004D RID: 77
// (get) Token: 0x06000280 RID: 640 RVA: 0x000033C0 File Offset: 0x000015C0
[Token(Token = "0x1700004D")]
public FP CurrentSpeed
[Token(Token = "0x6000280")]
[Address(RVA = "0x4ED868", Offset = "0x4ED868", VA = "0x4ED868")]
return default(FP);
That FP is a defined variable for the game. It's akin to Typedef Struct in C code.
It's not like your usual int or float methods.
A wild guess makes me think FP is floating point, so there's chances devs created their own "float" like variable because reasons. Unless you know how this special data type is defined, you will have it hard to mod.

You should improve your programming knowledge, this way you would've easily figured this out, and you will be able to progress further as a modder.
That FP is a defined variable for the game. It's akin to Typedef Struct in C code.
It's not like your usual int or float methods.
A wild guess makes me think FP is floating point, so there's chances devs created their own "float" like variable because reasons. Unless you know how this special data type is defined, you will have it hard to mod.

You should improve your programming knowledge, this way you would've easily figured this out, and you will be able to progress further as a modder.
Thanks for this nice reply!
But slowly I've reached a point where I don't know what to learn, I already master hooking and lil2cpp modding. What could I learn next and especially where? any tips or tutorials?
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