Help! How to mod summoners war


Hello wondering how to mod summoners war. Which tutorials would be recommended to do all the modding, and what all can b modded as far as the apk itself since all ur hard work is saved on the server thanks in advance I hope u
Im sure no one will teach you that buddy.
Thats the reason why all Modding Sites protect their Mods, that no other find out how to mod it and steal their way.
You need to learn basic modding first, then learn advanced things, improve your knowledge and your programming skills and then you can get it maybe.
That can take months or years.
Im sure no one will teach you that buddy.
Thats the reason why all Modding Sites protect their Mods, that no other find out how to mod it and steal their way.
You need to learn basic modding first, then learn advanced things, improve your knowledge and your programming skills and then you can get it maybeHello wondering how to mod summoners war. Which tutorials would be recommended to do all the modding, and what all can b modded as far as the apk itself since all ur hard work is saved on the server thanks in advance I hope u
That can take months or years.
Sorry I wasnt looking to b taught i was just asking which tuts and programs etc out of the ones on this site.Theres so many I'm not worried how long it takes, I've used a few of the beginners ones it's been a long time though which was kinda confusing. I enjoy things like this I dont copy or use anyone's work. Thanks for the advice too.
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