Help! How to rebuild Struct for Mod Menu


Solid & Active Platinian
I would like to know how to build the struct of this class.


i used the il2cpp.h from the dumped but to be honest im not really sure this is correct.

struct WorldMapDisplayData_Fields {
    struct WorldMapManager_o* manager;
    struct MapData_o* map;
    struct System_Collections_Generic_List_ILayer__o* layerList;
    float tileWidth;
    float tileHeight;
    float halfTileWidth;
    float halfTileHeight;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o originalPoint;
    struct UnityEngine_Rect_o oldCameraArea;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o old_mlb;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o old_mlt;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o old_mrb;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o old_mrt;
    int32_t old_ltDir;
    int32_t old_rtDir;
    struct UnityEngine_Rect_o curCameraArea;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o cameraTilePos;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o mlb;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o mlt;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o mrb;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector2_o mrt;
    int32_t ltDir;
    int32_t rtDir;
    float _scale;
    struct UnityEngine_Vector4_o iv;
struct WorldMapDisplayData_VTable {
    VirtualInvokeData _0_Equals;
    VirtualInvokeData _1_Finalize;
    VirtualInvokeData _2_GetHashCode;
    VirtualInvokeData _3_ToString;
struct WorldMapDisplayData_c {
    Il2CppClass_1 _1;
    void* static_fields;
    Il2CppRGCTXData* rgctx_data;
    Il2CppClass_2 _2;
    WorldMapDisplayData_VTable vtable;
struct WorldMapDisplayData_o {
    WorldMapDisplayData_c *klass;
    void *monitor;
    WorldMapDisplayData_Fields fields;

Can someone tell me where to go and what i need to be care of.

Thank you again.
The outputted il2cpp.h file is correct. Anything that uses or returns a WorldMapDisplayData can be replaced with (a pointer to) WorldMapDisplayData_o. If you need to get a field from it, you can just do data->fields.<field name>. Static fields can be retreived with ((specified type) &(data->klass->static_fields + <offset>)).
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