Help! I want best instructor to help me please!


Hello friends and modder and then community stuff members. I know this section is inappropriate to post here on modding tutorial and its not tutorial. If the community members read this and helped as everyone problem as well as my problem? is first this will definitely be soon tutorial. So please don't delete or change this thread or don't transfer the thread to another section ? before reading this request.

I know im not well in hack the .dll file or .so file

And the .dll file hack is need more practice to mod thats all but its all we need that C# language ?.

The .so file need more skill to hack well
using (ida) or il2cppdumper
I really need some tutorial ☺yeah i know in our forum there many tutorial and also mika modding school is also here but i don't have enough money to learn from him .

I saw many videos like how to mod game with ida or il2cppdumper and read thread also its ok i saw it but in every video or they know the value of every address to were they want to modified value

I have many questions in my mind about .so file(how to hack the game with both ida and dumper).

Like how they edit in the hxd editor with correct order

For example (many of them don't know the method or i only dk the method of editing with hxd). That is 2 btye or 4 byte hex code hex code how to find that if we use in dumper (i know in ida its marked on hex view so that we can easily identify). If we use in dumper how to identify.

Then next how to edit that value when in hxd editor for example how they read it in that in hex code what to change (i know in ida there is well good tutorial is here on our community if want to teach this thing also that fine☺). In (il2cppdumper)and hxd editor how they read it and edit the correct manner to hack the value (not open without ida lol).
(I know use the arm conventor to get the hex code but how they know in il2cppdumper after in hxd editor that is the ADD OR SUB OR MOV etc,. To convert to arm

Please if you guys to make this thread as tutorial or make it as request from me that from in your hands . To everyone can understand how the best modder read hxd editor in hex code

And when i have doubt about il2cppdumper or ida i will add my doubts or request here if the stuff members didn't delete this thread
Please! Please!?
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.dll .ida .so il2il2cppdumper
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