Help! Il2CPP Hex editing

Maki ☽

Solid & Active Platinian
Hello, im new to modding and i decided to learn some modding and mod "Slime - Isekai Memories" so my problem is each time i edit something in the file and i compile the game and i open it it crashes, heres everything i do step by step, btw its not the apk or the emulator i've tried to run the original apk without editing anything and it works, but if u still want to know from where i got my apk and what emulator im using, got apk from "" and the emulator im using is bluestacks 5

1.Decompile it using "Apktool"
2.Dump the file using "Il2CppDumperGUI 1.5.3"
3.Open Dump.cs with "Notepad++"
4.Open using "HxD"
5.Find the value i want to change for example lets say "get_GemAmountRequiredToRecoverStamina"
6.Copy the hex corresponding to "get_GemAmountRequiredToRecoverStamina" and find it in "HxD"
6.Edit the hex for example lets say Im trying to make the amount required to recover stamina as low as possible so, 01 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1
7.Save the file
8.Replace the old file with the new file
9.Compile and sign the game once again using "Apktool"
10.Install it
11.Open it

Am i doing something wrong?, help me please
It still crashes but now it crashes on the screen where normally the logo of the company would appear, when i was using the wrong hex codes it crashed instantly
I just tried 2 different games and they all crash, so idk what im doing wrong, btw this time i did use the correct hex code corresponding to the folder from where i got the lib file
Still crashes, i tried attack, defense, hp and the reward u get for lvling up affection, also i tried them one by one, what i mean is i didnt mod them all in 1 run
Still crashes, do u have discord so i can screenshare and u can tell me what im doing wrong?
@Sekeu002 you will mod Slime - Isekai Memories ? before you try mod make sure check your device phone was support arm64 or not.make sure your was above minimum andorid 8 and see the spec first before you play use cpuz or similar app. i recomended use phone not emulator. if you really want emulator than you must have powerfull gaming pc.
@Sekeu002 you will mod Slime - Isekai Memories ? before you try mod make sure check your device phone was support arm64 or not.make sure your was above minimum andorid 8 and see the spec first before you play use cpuz or similar app. i recomended use phone not emulator. if you really want emulator than you must have powerfull gaming pc.
im using emulator
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