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Help! il2cpp thread checking

Hello! I'm currently looking for help with a game that has thread checks on exports. Here's an example of one of the checks:
__int64 il2cpp_domain_get()
if ( il2cpp_thread_current_0() )
return sub_8995074(); - what it would usually return to in previous verions
return 10500LL;

I'm not really familiar with reversing or arm64 but what I've tried so far is just jumping to what each export would usually return and managed to dump the game, but every single RVA came out invalid and all started with 0x7ffff, nothing but straight invalid addresses. GGil2cpp stopped working too. The games il2cpp structs have been probably restructured since ggil2cpp worked for a couple months after export protections were added bot stopped working randomly one update. I'd be willing to pay around $50 PayPal, I do not have much xD.