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Discussion IMGUI is not Working on Dead Target


Inactive Approved Modder
Hey, if got a weard quest but I don't know what's the problem. I'm simply what to insert my working ImGui project ... But after insert the correct invoke Code like this
const-string v0, "Imgui"

    invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V

To this here

.method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    .registers 4

    const-string v0, "Imgui"

    invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V

//Inserted here 👆

    const/4 v0, 0x1

    .line 34
    invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/unity3d/player/UnityPlayerActivity;->requestWindowFeature(I)Z

Then insert the lib to lib folder

Know if I start the game it Crashes instandly..
Still the same error game crashing right after start the game, the imgui have a 10secounds sleep timer. Im did some wrong?


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