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Outdated Imposter 3D Online Horror Ver. 8.6.1 MOD APK | DUMB ENEMY | NO ADS

Platinmods i want you make mod menu for game impostor 3D online
Mod menu:
-show astronout/impostor(mafia mode)
-not trapped and no paralyzed(impostor)
-vent no cooldown
-teleport player to:...(all player crewmate)
-player can kill player(crewmate)
-wall hack
-god mode
-auto win(crewmate)
-auto win(impostor)
-emergency meeting no cooldown
_--make room with light red and color blood--_
-always impostor(mafia mode)
-skip voting(mafia mode)
-banned player:...(all player)
-kick available in the room

This i need in my mod menu platinmods and you make mod menu this special i subscribe you channel YouTube
Reported by @hokage42
Reason: "all links complete virus.... alternative link pls".

Checked by myself.
None of the download links contain any viruses.

VT Scan:

Eset scan:
(Everything fine)

No virus at all.
No Mod made by a PMT contains anything.
Tags Tags
imposter 3d online horror imposter 3d online horror cheat imposter 3d online horror hack imposter 3d online horror mod

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