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Help! Knights and dragons game trying to mod

Hello World!,

You see what I did there . Anyways, As its written in the title, Im trying to mod the game knights and dragons but im facing problems.
I'll list what I did first:
1- I extracted the apk using MT Manager.

2- copied it to my PC and turned it from .apk to .zip to check whats inside.

3- I found this.

4- after that i opened the classes.dex file in jadx and i got this.
which i assume means the game loads and
5- and so i extracted the from the lib file inside the game zip

6- I opened it on IDA pro and I waited for it to finish, then i searched the strings for ingame currencies e.g: Gems, Gold and other things like damage. for this post ill go with the gems string:

I was thinking of modding the gems spending so that when i spend gems it increases instead of decreasing just like this mod here : Knights & Dragons Action RPG Ver. 1.72.2 Mod Menu [Currencies Increase when Spent | Full HP Heal | Fast Gold Production]
That mod is outdated which is the reason why im trying to mod this game. I already modded this game on ios but im struggling to mod it on android.

8- anyways i was intrested with the string gems_spent so I opened it.
I also found near it a currency_spend string which i decided to look into too

9- I continued with the sub_5A6960 function of the currency_spend string and i opened it as pseudocode and i got this

lastly i did remote debugging to my device which it connected and i can stop it or continue it from ida so i know it works

i put breakpoint at the beginning and at the end of the function and i tried spending inside the game but nothing happens.

I tried this with other strings like gem_spent or dodamage but nothing happens.

I even tried editing the file using HXD and putting the file back into the game zip and turning it to apk and then installing it (I know I can install it unsigned because i disabled the verification using luckypatcher). But the game crashes as i open it.

Could someone help me here, maybe tell me what i did wrong or if im dumb and I didnt see something lmao .Any help would be highly appreciated .
I really want to mod this game. Since the mod that Yaskashije did is outdated, so i took this chance to try and learn modding ().


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