Solid & Active Platinian
Hey there i just simply wanted to ask how i would go about doing Lua Execution on Lua Based Games, such as Roblox, Assault Cube ( probably? ), Blockman Go and more.
I do know it can be done via many different methods such as wrapping, And i do know you need the Offsets of the functions and the Lua State.
But after getting all these how would I go about setting them up and then hooking or injecting into the game to execute the code you input?
Also i use IDA Pro if that's needed
Edit: had to fix an autocorrect error
I do know it can be done via many different methods such as wrapping, And i do know you need the Offsets of the functions and the Lua State.
But after getting all these how would I go about setting them up and then hooking or injecting into the game to execute the code you input?
Also i use IDA Pro if that's needed
Edit: had to fix an autocorrect error