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Help! Mob Vacuum - Update() Method Issues (Hooking)


So I'm wondering if the class of the Update() method im trying to hook with needs to have inherited from MonoBehaviour.

public class MobManager : MonoBehaviour

Why am I asking this? Because im trying to forcefully set all mob position using get_Transform() and set_Position().

However, my Update() method seems wrong since I can't set mob position at all. (Or my code)

This is my code:
void *(*get_transform)(void *instance);
void (*set_position)(void *transform, Vector3 pos);

void Pointers() {
    get_transform = (void *(*)(void *)) (g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0x2171EE8")));
    set_position = (void (*)(void *, Vector3)) (g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0x2343CE4")));

bool setMobPos;

typedef void (*mobUpdate)(void *instance);
mobUpdate old_mobUpdate = nullptr;
void mobUpdate(void *instance) {    
    if (!instance) return;
    debugInfo += "Mob Update Hooked\n"; // Debug
    if (instance) {
        if (setMobPos) {
            Vector3 pos = GetSavePlayerPosition(); // Fetch my position
            set_position(get_transform(instance), pos); // Teleport mobs to me

    if (old_mobUpdate) {

void Hooks() {
    HOOK("0x14554CC", mobUpdate, old_mobUpdate);
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