Tutorial MT Pairip Latest Kill Tutorial

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I Have To Get Staff
1. open your apks and extract base.apk to 'Signaturekiller' Folder and rename it to 'origin'

2. copy package name of the target app

3. now open apk tool and and get base64 sign

4. now paste both things in MtKillsign .dex => bin.mt.sig => killerApp

5. open target.apks and view base.apk go to assest and paste the signaturekiller folder here and get back to base menu see the last classes numbers in target apk and rename your modded dex with +1 extra number like ( if last classes number was classes4.dex then you have to add classes5.dex ) and replace lib folder also

6. open target lib folders and rename all libsignaturekiller.so to libskull.so

7. now go back and open all dex files and find ' .super Landroid/app/Application ' in search ( search type smali )

8. you will see pairip folder file replace ' Landroid/app/Application ' with ' Lbin/mt/signature/KillerApplication;

9. now search ' SignatureKiller' in String search type
the 2nd line which include this name to ' skull '

10. now find the ' coreComp ' in class name search type and
open 'CoreComponentFactory' find the StartupLauncher Activity on line 26 add # in the start of the code to disable the activity ( maybe upside or down find it )

11. now get back and save everything and use any Antislpit to compile it in apks to apk

( Note ) you can use Np , Antislpit, Apktool

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Tut by: 1337
Credits: Chainsaw , tuodex
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2023-08-02 20:20:24.999 11855-11855/com.mytest.app D/ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
2023-08-02 20:20:25.107 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Executing rRhi016TdMqRzvQ6
2023-08-02 20:20:25.111 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Resource URL is jar:file:/data/app/~~txqYQorVommhjLiXPq_Log==/com.mytest.app-YBIBnA63-1lZFdYMN9OQvQ==/base.apk!/AndroidManifest.xml
2023-08-02 20:20:25.112 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Found APK path /data/app/~~txqYQorVommhjLiXPq_Log==/com.mytest.app-YBIBnA63-1lZFdYMN9OQvQ==/base.apk after 3 ms.
2023-08-02 20:20:25.114 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Finished loading rRhi016TdMqRzvQ6 (151166 kB) after 6 ms.
2023-08-02 20:20:25.155 11855-11855/com.mytest.app A/com.mytest.app: java_vm_ext.cc:577] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal start byte 0x88
java_vm_ext.cc:577] string: '�z����N���I'
java_vm_ext.cc:577] input: '<0x88> 0x7a 0xfc 0xfd 0xe7 0xf0 0x4e 0xf3 0x18 0x14 0xb3 0x9e 0x49 0x19 0x18'
java_vm_ext.cc:577] in call to FindClass
java_vm_ext.cc:577] from java.lang.Object com.pairip.VMRunner.executeVM(byte[], java.lang.Object[])
2023-08-02 20:20:24.999 11855-11855/com.mytest.app D/ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
2023-08-02 20:20:25.107 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Executing rRhi016TdMqRzvQ6
2023-08-02 20:20:25.111 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Resource URL is jar:file:/data/app/~~txqYQorVommhjLiXPq_Log==/com.mytest.app-YBIBnA63-1lZFdYMN9OQvQ==/base.apk!/AndroidManifest.xml
2023-08-02 20:20:25.112 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Found APK path /data/app/~~txqYQorVommhjLiXPq_Log==/com.mytest.app-YBIBnA63-1lZFdYMN9OQvQ==/base.apk after 3 ms.
2023-08-02 20:20:25.114 11855-11855/com.mytest.app I/VMRunner: Finished loading rRhi016TdMqRzvQ6 (151166 kB) after 6 ms.
2023-08-02 20:20:25.155 11855-11855/com.mytest.app A/com.mytest.app: java_vm_ext.cc:577] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal start byte 0x88
java_vm_ext.cc:577] string: '�z����N���I'
java_vm_ext.cc:577] input: '<0x88> 0x7a 0xfc 0xfd 0xe7 0xf0 0x4e 0xf3 0x18 0x14 0xb3 0x9e 0x49 0x19 0x18'
java_vm_ext.cc:577] in call to FindClass
java_vm_ext.cc:577] from java.lang.Object com.pairip.VMRunner.executeVM(byte[], java.lang.Object[])
Which app, game?


so pair ip rips a copy of apk itself then do the checks?
Due to the fact that the obb folder isn't protected in any way, this is completely pointless. Not on versions 11, 12, or 13, either.
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