Open Request NEO Scavenger mobile



Game Name: NEO Scavenger

Google Play Store Link: NEO Scavenger - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: NEO Scavenger para Android - APK Baixar

Cheat Requested: Being able to build items without needing the ingredients, Full Version, Infinite money, Unlimited skill points

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Does APK Editor count?
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you can try edit it by yourself
  1. download NEO Scavenger APK from apkcombo
  2. open the APK using winrar or 7zip
  3. look at \assets\assets\data
  4. open the xml files using text editor, i recomended for you to use notepad++
  5. for example, open recipes.xml and edit the "fhours" to 0 (zero) so will instanly can create item without need to waiting
good luck hehehe

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