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Solved Night of the Full Moon - New update, new protection - Modders, come take a look!

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Prior to the Lunar New Year update, this app has no "real" protection other than il2cpp.

Now, it's a doozy - encrypted global-metadata, a smali-based(?) integrity check called "HProtect"...

This is quite a challenge. See if you mod it.

Here's the Google Play link - the app is free: Night of the Full Moon – Apps on Google Play

If you need some help, here's the dumped, unencrypted global-metadata: global-metadata.dat

And the integrity check SDK is located in smali/com/ztgame/hpsdk.

Have fun!
This is not a modding question nor is it a discussion please read the thread properly as it clearly states MODDED QUESTIONS & DISCUSSIONS. What you posted is neither and it is a requested if you want a chance of this game being modded post it in the proper section.
Okay, let me be clear - I successfully modded this. This post is aimed to promote MODDING DISCUSSIONS, which is allowed here, not to beg or whatever.
The reason I want this game's modding process to be discussed is because it is not easy - mem dump, general il2cpp and smali took me hours. I don't consider this stuff elementary, and I would recommend all those who consider themselves modders to try this out - Not mod for the sake of sharing (the mod), but for learning. Now is this "not proper"?
Just do note our modders will give you tips such as certain things to study but wont discuss how to go about it and hows its done to achieve it as they will leave that up to you to learn from it. Due to the fact they dont want to take any risks of leechers . Not saying you are but its a risk people take explaining how to mod certain things .
This scene is just a mess. You know what, delete this page if you can. It's a disgrace that leechers abuse the knowledge they've learned, but it's bigger a disgrace when knowledge, which is universal and replicable, to be treated as proprietary. Security via obscurity. What difference, then, separates the modding scene from DRM companies?
Put it in sinple term the leechers ruined it for everyone if it wasnt for the leechers i would not be surprised if a admin or modder had time they would explain fully how things are done to mod things and not just little game but popular. But since we had users leeching and become modders and getting caught and getting booted as a modder that became an issue as they never gave credit to the original modder . If your gonna mod something you didnt fully mod yourself give credit . But they claimed all the work themselves. But now its tutorials on basic things and certain tips , or files needing to mod to become a successful modder. In sense how would you feel if tou modded a game with high security and put weeks and so many hours to achieve a working mod and explained to users how to mod so they learn. But instead of learning they took your files and claimed all thebwork themselves.
>Discover a way to bypass some kind of security
>Release it to the public, or even do a tutorial
>Devs notice and patch
>Method is now useless and users wont be able to enjoy mod

Modding is an arms race against devs, and by the same reason they don't want to leak stuff, neither do modders. Modding also consumes time, so you have right to account stuff you do as fruit of your labour.
Hi TS since no one is modding this game and you said that you successfully modded the game. Can you share it to us? If it's ok to the community and to you of course.
TL;DR, I won't.

The more time I spent on this platform the more I realize that this is not an encouraging place for learning. It's more about knowledge barrier (people withholding knowledge) and profit (ad-filled sharing link and paid modding classes??? WTH)。

I won't support a platform like this. So I won't share any more personal mods to this platform.
Well just gonna have to get used to it because every modding website is the same way as no ones gonna take a chance of their things being leached as it has happened before in the past.

>People withholding knowledge? Guess inI+D this doesn't happen either, or not?; keeping your stuff well protected from your rivals so that you have the edge over them is common sense in the "free market" economy. Being against this isn't a wrong opinion, but may be a tad bit naive.
>I understand you regarding the ad-filled;. However, I use them not for greed, but because these sites offer me almost unlimited space to keep all my uploaded stuff (while more friendly sites ask me to pay monthly to have more than 15GB). You will see some of my teammates using ad-less sites, like @AndnixSH and @G-Bo ッ
(Not to mention that other sites exist that inject ads to their mods)
>Paid modding classes. Education is only a right in some countries, and may be free up to some extent, but having to be a teacher consumes time; time you could be earning your pay through other means, or time that you won't be able to consume doing something else you might find more enjoyable. If you consider you can start free lessons for modding, and give custom private attention to all those who request your help, then feel free to do so. You'd get my most respectful admiration for havingsuch a strong will that allowed such feat.

I won't support a platform like this. So I won't share any more personal mods to this platform.

You do you I guess, but in my honest opinion, platinmods is the best platform; I was here as a mod user from before I ever knew modding, and I'm here as a modder.

As an added personal view on your point:
It's "not encouraging" because all info that is shared only makes developers stronger.
It's "not encouraging" because 95% of all people who wants to become a modder will not find the motivation or time to become one.
It's "not encouraging" because most people only want to be spoonfed.

Real life is not highschool. Learning modding consumes time, effort and requieres the will and mindset to push forward. And I will sound edgy, but most people lack these.
Because if they didnt lack them, you'd see way more modders out there.
Analyses of @hemoridhero :

4 "MODs" mostly savegames shared.
1 with tag not working.
2 with tag outdated.
1 on current version but didn't updated since 2019

1 tutorial posted (quite nice tho)

Last words:
" I won't support a platform like this. So I won't share any more personal mods to this platform."

We gonna miss you bro, your missing contribution will tear a massive crack into this community

Now seriously, there is nothing more to say then @Yaskashije said, he took the time to answer it completely. Nobody can help you if you still won't understand the situation after being detailed commented not only by him, by other teammates as well. Your decision to leave with bad feelings is something only you can decide. We gonna accept it. Even if sad that someone is having a wrong picture for no reason. Wishing you all the best on your way buddy.
Thanks for the replies G-Bo and Yaskashije xD

"Nobody can help you if you still won't understand the situation after being detailed commented not only by him, by other teammates as well. "

I'm not the one who need any help. My skill allow me to have fun in games I like, and frankly speaking, that's all I need.

I did not contribute much here. Less than 4% of my personal mods, to be exact. However, I don't think this should bar me from expressing my thoughts.

Oh, and my last words certainly were wrong.

In case I don't see ya . . . good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
I did not contribute much here. Less than 4% of my personal mods, to be exact. However, I don't think this should bar me from expressing my thoughts.

I agree, you are free to express your thoughts. Your contribution part was just related to the "I won't support" idea.

In case I don't see ya . . . good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

I hope you come back; those +100 mods in your stash could make lots of people happy

See you again
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