Help! Package dont install, after modify Android manifest.


Solid & Active Platinian
Hello there.

I get error, when modify android manifest.

Example for another game, this method works, but for Hot Slide, not.

I use template by lgl mod menu 3.2

I use method 2, method 1 dont work for me.



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I do apologize but that is a screen shot of the error and your screen, what we need to see is the manifest code or error logs. Because with the pictures provided we can do nothing to help you.
I'll try to help more when you give more details about your problem. From what you've shown so far though, my suggestions:

Zipalign the apk and re-sign it to see if you get the same problem.

If your Android is 11+, go into the apktool.yml file and change "targetsdkversion" from 30 to 28.

If neither of those works, please provide a proper log.
I attached android manifest (modded) in my question. But i try in pc. Thanks. I mod in phone, now i try in pc. Mt manager mod didn't work, and free version dec higher 200 rows, other rows only vip. Nt manager didnt nowmally work.
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