Tutorial PairipCore Kill Tutorial

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I Have To Get Staff
PairipCore Killed By 1337

Its kind of heart breaking for me, as I've invested so much time on this protection (pairip / pairipcore) to understand so I can bypass it.

After seeing such people exists, which do nothing but compare things from the original sources is disgusting. Original modder did not get the credits . So I am sharing the method with you

First convert the apk from .apks to .apk without auto sign and then kill it with MT enhanced kill

Go inside the dex
Search for pairip
Go to startup launcher
Go to the navigation
Long tap on it
Tap on find usage
Remove the result from the android.core.app.xxx

Done, now you have successfully bypassed it.

Now, disable the checks, which redirects user to PlayStore:

Goto com/pairip/licensecheck3/LicenseClientV3

Add return-void under these 3 methods:

.method private connectToLicensingService()V

.method private initializeLicenseCheck()V

.method private processResponse(ILandroid/os/Bundle;)V

Add a line in Androidmanifest under <application
If already present then make sure its "true" not "false"

Not required for every applications, it will be required for "Alarmy" etc

This won't work with Unity games. Game crashes regardless what bypass methods
After tgat time... Could you figure some thing about it for games.. I have the mecharena that wasnt using checks before now it does in version 3.230.00...and crash whatever the killing method is
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