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Help! Photon


Awesome Active Platinian
I'm trying to get the photon player list but the game crashes every time

public static Player[] get_PlayerListOthers() { }

monoArray<void **> *(*PhotonNetwork_get_OtherPlayers)();

void ListOtherPlayers_Hook() {
// PhotonNetwork'teki diğer oyuncuları al
auto playerList = PhotonNetwork_get_OtherPlayers();

if (playerList == nullptr || playerList->getLength() == 0) {
ImGui::Text("No Players Found");

// Oyuncu listesi paneli başlat
ImGui::BeginChild("Player List", ImVec2(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x, 200), false);

for (int i = 0; i < playerList->getLength(); ++i) {
auto otherPlayer = playerList->getPointer(i);
if (otherPlayer != nullptr) {
ImGui::Text("Player %d: %p", i, otherPlayer);
} else {
ImGui::Text("Player %d: NULL", i);


monoArray<void**>*(*PhotonNetwork_getOtherPlayers)() = (monoArray<void**>*(*)()) getAbsoluteAddress("", 0x57CD4A4);