On January 22 12:00 Japan time - January 28 23:59 Japan time , there will be Arena mode where players compete for rank. Rank defined by points, and points defined by damage dealt to enemies, damage received from enemies, and remaining time.
I just want to remind people and suggest that you don't use damage multiplier tooooo much, like 10+ maybe 20+ multiplier, just don't.
This will be tempting for newbie player (Lv <100) that does not have many monster. (Lv <60 cannot enter Arena though).
I personally will not use mod for this type of content. I want to feel the real, legit experience of Arena (and you should too).
If you must use the mod, maybe use small damage multiplier like 2 or 3, nothing more.
for God Mode, I don't recommend it, same for Enemy 0 HP, I don't recommend it, because it will impact your score.
Ages ago, when I played Chain Dungeon global, I was using mod in the Arena, and got instantly banned.
Use mod at your own risk! Don't cry if you got banned after reading this.
Right now I'm at Lv 550+ with 300+

7 monster, and I won't risking my account using mod in Arena.
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