Solved Question on decompiling unit games.

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There is a game I am interested in modding and I have enough experience with memory manipulators, offsets, etc to find my way around things. My issue is most of my experience is in Windows based memory manipulation and a small amount of C++ not APK's, Java, etc.

From what I've researched it seams a vast majority of Unity games use Global Meta Data and IL2CPP files which are used to retrieve a dump and then basic binary / memory manipulation from there. My issue is that when I decompile the game I'm interested in my folder file structure looks completely different from everything else I've researched and referenced. Normally when I see users decompile unity games they get DLL's and the folders / files I mentioned earlier.

I've tried 2 separate decompilers and extracting the APK as well. There are no LIB folders, there are no folders containing global meta data, no DLL's, etc. I have a few folders, a SHA256 file, and 6 separate classes files (which I could decompile to Java source code but I don't know Java so that doesn't do much for me).

So I'm left to assume its obfuscation but that's where my knowledge ends on the APK side. Any tips or advice for documentation on locating these files so I can continue further? I've searched for .SO files and a bunch of other things to no avail.


***Edit: Nevermind I found out that the file structure difference is due to the LIAPP protection that packs the APK. If anyone has helpful advice or can point me in the right direction to learn about this I'd appreciate it.
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LIAPP stands for "Lockin App Protector". LIAPP is a mobile application security service developed by the Lockin Company that provides robust protection for mobile apps.

LIAPP has features like anti-tampering, memory protection, virtual machine detection, and hacking tool detection, primarily focused on mobile game security; essentially acting as a robust Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) solution for mobile apps.
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