Game Name: Rival Stars College Football
Google Play Store Link:
Rival Stars College Football - Apps on Google Play
Draft your cards, coach your team, become a football legend. TOUCHDOWN!
APK Link:

Rival Stars APK for Android Download
Rival Stars 3.0.15 APK download for Android. Draft your cards, coach your team, become a football legend. TOUCHDOWN!

Rival Stars College Football Apk Download 3.0.12
Download Rival Stars College Football Apk 3.0.12 Android App by PIKPOK Free.
Cheat Requested:
- Paid Game unlocked
- Score hack
- Chance hack (Our plays always critical, enemy plays always fumble / intercepted)
- Team morale hack
Yes -> Game Guardian, but I can't make script / pointer that always find the required addresses, which is inconvenient to rescan every match.
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