Rejected Request Sensual Goddess: Idle Battle Arena


Solid & Active Platinian

Game Name:
Sensual Goddess: Idle Battle Arena

Google Play Store Link: here

APK Link: here

Cheat Requested: damage or resources if possible

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
lmaoo a rip off version of the immortal conquest game. i had a recharge hack for that so it probably works for this as well. haha seeing these chinese games copy each other never gets old
lmaoo a rip off version of the immortal conquest game. i had a recharge hack for that so it probably works for this as well. haha seeing these chinese games copy each other never gets old
lmaoo a rip off version of the immortal conquest game. i had a recharge hack for that so it probably works for this as well. haha seeing these chinese games copy each other never gets old
Hi, do you mind sharing it with me that recharge hack please?
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