Help! Show soft keyboard (imgui)


Hey, i used a ImGUI template and everything works like a charm. but wait...
Text Inputs does not show the Keyboard!
which is very annoying.

I Tried Calling InputMethodManager.showSoftInput from Java, and from C++ but failed.

any help would be appreciated <3
auto get_text = (Il2CppString*(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_text(0)"); return get_text(this)->c_str();
you are most likely returning pointer to non existent data, if you construct std::string and return the char* of that string, the string deallocated once it leaves the function, making the returned pointer points to deallocated memory

The solution is to return the std::string instead of char*
If your game is unity, you can try to invoke

TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelper on TouchScreenKeyboard class
i have used that but i have problems with getting the text after the user submits/enters

i use this

class TouchScreenKeyboard {
    // Static Methods
    static boolean isSupported() {
        auto get_isSupported = (boolean(*)())Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_isSupported(0)");
        return get_isSupported();
    static TouchScreenKeyboard* Open(const char* value, int type, boolean autocorrection, boolean multiline){
        auto open = (TouchScreenKeyboard*(*)(Il2CppString*,int,boolean,boolean))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>Open(4)");
        return open(Il2CppString::Create(value), type, autocorrection, multiline);
    // Other methods
    const char* getText(){
        auto get_text = (Il2CppString*(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_text(0)");
        return get_text(this)->c_str();
    void setText(const char* value){
        auto set_text = (void(*)(void*,Il2CppString*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>set_text(1)");
        set_text(this, Il2CppString::Create(value));
    boolean isActive(){
        auto get_active = (boolean(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_active(0)");
        return get_active(this);
    boolean isDone(){
        auto get_done = (boolean(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_done(0)");
        return get_done(this);
    boolean isCanceled(){
        auto get_wasCanceled = (boolean(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_wasCanceled(0)");
        return get_wasCanceled(this);

my input code:

TouchScreenKeyboard input;
if(ImGui::Button("Click me!")){
   input = TouchScreenKeyboard::Open("", 0, false, true);
if (input->IsDone()) {
    ImGui::Text("%s", input->getText());

and it shows empty string, even though the length of the string is correct
It's seem your code are correct, however you can try to log your

Is it showing some text or not, this is my code, idk it's good or not, but it's work like a charm

while (true) {
  bool active = touchScreenKeyboardClass -> Get < UnityResolve::Method > (OBFUSCATE("get_active")) -> Invoke < bool > ();
  if (!active) {
    break; // exit loop
  m_Text = touchScreenKeyboardClass -> Get < UnityResolve::Method > (OBFUSCATE("get_text")) -> Invoke < UnityResolve::UnityType::String * > ();
  usleep(100000); // sleep for 100ms to reduce cpu usage
It's seem your code are correct, however you can try to log your

Is it showing some text or not, this is my code, idk it's good or not, but it's work like a charm

while (true) {
  bool active = touchScreenKeyboardClass -> Get < UnityResolve::Method > (OBFUSCATE("get_active")) -> Invoke < bool > ();
  if (!active) {
    break; // exit loop
  m_Text = touchScreenKeyboardClass -> Get < UnityResolve::Method > (OBFUSCATE("get_text")) -> Invoke < UnityResolve::UnityType::String * > ();
  usleep(100000); // sleep for 100ms to reduce cpu usage
auto get_text = (Il2CppString*(*)(void*))Find("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll>UnityEngine>TouchScreenKeyboard>get_text(0)"); return get_text(this)->c_str();
you are most likely returning pointer to non existent data, if you construct std::string and return the char* of that string, the string deallocated once it leaves the function, making the returned pointer points to deallocated memory

The solution is to return the std::string instead of char*
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