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Help! Some advanced questions from a beginner


Solid & Active Platinian
Ok ok ok before I even give into this I would like to get this out the way. The app I'm looking at still has running servers, thing is their not on play store, devs quit responding, I'm the only player for over a year in my server and a few other servers are the same. I have thru various methods found what port for uploads and console. I have found all their console commands hidden in the game files. This game however is pure server side. Nothing, I mean I can't pull down my notifications to check the date without it restarting. However, from what I've gathered from various Google searches, keeps me digesting stupid stuff about putting Android on switch, Google is paid alright.
So question time. Can I knowing what commands to send the game in console have it do pretty much anything I want? What would be needed to say download all server files, game data only not user info? Is it really illegal to do such a thing?

I only ask out of pure educational reasons, and 2 weeks before going dead I stopped 400 on the damn game and I'll max everyone one way or another.

So please any info or help. You naysayers just keep a moving I don't want impossible, I want answers.
It's lua2coco or something like that.
There must be some hierarchy. Chances are you are "logged in" as a "normal user". Also, it's fully server sided, meaning that, even if you were able to execute commands, server would reject them. Kinda like the usual visual features or server rejecting battle results.

(Chances are all those commands you found are linked to a "game button", since that's how stuff usually works; you pressing the "SUMMON" button is just sending the server a command to start the process)

You could be lucky and be able to find some loophole or weakness, so who knows.
Perhaps, the ports are what shocked me I usually don't find that kinda stuff, and some of the commands don't look to be user oriented. Things labeled as console command this or that. I know a server dump to be out of my league lol. But could one slowly download everything from a server when they have access to that part in the game? I mean I'm not so sure this game would reject anything, as stated it's dead literally idk why the servers are maintaining it still. You can login with any version, it does a version check and allows login from all 4 different versions. I was thinking maybe look for a key perhaps like to make the game login as admin or debugging with full account access. But that's way over my spectrum of knowledge, finding is on but putting to use not so much.

I was really medicated when thinking of and writing that sorry it's a little everywhere. But that's the thought process so far