Solved Static Fields

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Original poster
Jun 6, 2020
united states
So I'm trying to understand static fields. Below is the static field coinCount which is a member of the class GameManager.

So from here I know I go into script,json and search GameManager_Typeinfo which gives me:
unknown (1).png

I know the address listed is the decimal offset of the GameManager_c pointer relative to the GameAssembly.dll

From here I find the class definition of GameManager_c inside the il2cpp.h file:
unknown (2).png

I see that within this class is a pointer to a struct that contains all the static fields inside of the GameManager class that is the size of Il2CppClass_1.
Which from my understanding is typically 92 bytes. which means at 0x5C there is an offset with a pointer to static_fields.

This is where my understanding starts to break down.
I know by searching "GameManager_StaticFields" i can see its definition like so:
unknown (3).png

And from what I understand this means at offset 0x0 theres a pointer GameManager?

My confusion is that im not sure how to use this information to give me the offset of the field address im looking for in the
The tutorial I was following said that, " GameAssembly.dll + the offset listed in script.json = a pointer to a GameManager_c pointer. 0x5C bytes away from the start of the GameManager_c struct there is a pointer to another struct which contains all static fields."

Would that mean that GameAssembly.dll + 11915916 + 0x0 + 0x5C = structure of static fields for GameManager_c?
Because when i try that in HxD it says the file does not contain the offset.
What am I doing wrong?
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