Summoners War (How not to get Banned)


I'm creating this post because I want others to share how they have been staying safe modding the game and clearing content it would be really helpful if others can contribute to this so that new players and also veteran players can stay safe while playing the game. Feel free to comment on this thread what you do or have done to keep from getting banned.
been playing for almost 3 weeks now, what I'm doing:
- I mostly use the modded version for farming scenarios in hell mode to max my monsters or lvl up fodder
- I don't use modded version for guild content, I don't wanna risk it even if it is "suppose" to be safe (do it at ur own risk)
- don't attempt to finish faimon boss level until you are at least lvl15 and finish it after 2-3 min to be safe
- ask for mentors and use their monsters in high levels
- don't go up too much in clearing dungeons and TOA => ANYONE can see your profile and your progress
- don't go up too much in arena, I stay at 1050-1150
- don't take the acheivements reward because they also appear in your public profile (ex: you are lvl10 and finished hell mode => doesnt make sense)
- most important one: you are playing a modded version, be prepared to see that lovely message at the start of the game any day :D
Been playing for 2 weeks
-Scenario Hell is very safe (Have been doing Chiruka Hell)
-Arena, Guild, Siege and Lab are all safe as long as you don't get reported
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