Summoners War Mod Tips

Jay Morgan

For players who have trouble with getting accounts banned i will offer advice based on experiance.

At level 15 you can do the following with no ban climb to toa40/toah30.You can do all scenario on normal. When doing toa/toah do not complete stages too fast.
Level 25 you can do toa50/toah40, you can complete all elements dungeons at stage b7 complete these stages in 5 minutes and you will be fine, you can also beat giants 7 in 5 minutes with no ban. At level 25 all hard mode can be completed without a ban.
Level 35 you can do dungeons stage 10 without a ban completing them in 8 minutes is safe. You can beat toa at level 35 but from toa 70 onwards take 20 minutes per stage. At level 35 you can do toah50 no ban.
At level 40 all hell modes is fine with no ban.
At level 40 you can do giants 10 in 4 minutes with no ban.
At level 40 you can do dragons 10 in 5 minutes 30 with no ban
You can do all raids at level 40 and all rift beast with no ban.
In my experience, the ban rate is proportion to your account age, i have an account that is over 3 yrs old, completed toa/toah, gb10,db10,nb10, rifts, rift beasts using dumb enemies only. Never been banned.
ok from my experience i got 2 accounts banned,the 3rd one is 1 year old ( i think) and yet no ban. fromy my experience i dont do raids ,i only clear bosses in arena, i am not doing high levels in toa, scenario is fine , i put 1 lvl monster in hell and let it farm. I DONT TALK TO CHAT !!! i dont open scrolls in any chance taking nat 5 (notification will pop up in chat) same goes about for evolve . in dungeons i do stages that i can clear in normal with a 1 min lower than i do in my phone. and last i havent synced the account with facebook. sometimes i do guild wars when i see that obviously i would clear enemy mobs easily . be carefull and you would be ok
For players who have trouble with getting accounts banned i will offer advice based on experiance.

At level 15 you can do the following with no ban climb to toa40/toah30.You can do all scenario on normal. When doing toa/toah do not complete stages too fast.
Level 25 you can do toa50/toah40, you can complete all elements dungeons at stage b7 complete these stages in 5 minutes and you will be fine, you can also beat giants 7 in 5 minutes with no ban. At level 25 all hard mode can be completed without a ban.
Level 35 you can do dungeons stage 10 without a ban completing them in 8 minutes is safe. You can beat toa at level 35 but from toa 70 onwards take 20 minutes per stage. At level 35 you can do toah50 no ban.
At level 40 all hell modes is fine with no ban.
At level 40 you can do giants 10 in 4 minutes with no ban.
At level 40 you can do dragons 10 in 5 minutes 30 with no ban
You can do all raids at level 40 and all rift beast with no ban.
Level 40 - not 50?
ok from my experience i got 2 accounts banned,the 3rd one is 1 year old ( i think) and yet no ban. fromy my experience i dont do raids ,i only clear bosses in arena, i am not doing high levels in toa, scenario is fine , i put 1 lvl monster in hell and let it farm. I DONT TALK TO CHAT !!! i dont open scrolls in any chance taking nat 5 (notification will pop up in chat) same goes about for evolve . in dungeons i do stages that i can clear in normal with a 1 min lower than i do in my phone. and last i havent synced the account with facebook. sometimes i do guild wars when i see that obviously i would clear enemy mobs easily . be carefull and you would be ok
:< waee. no summon, no evolve? :<
I created 5 account on same day and i do some experiments.
First account, i only play scenario (faimon hell) until lv35 from two weeks ago until now. When i reached lv30 i start to run dungeon 7+ with full team of max level *5 monster(don't run gb10,db10,nb10 if you don't have at least 3 max level *6) and do all run in x1 speed(to make finish time a little bit longer than usual).
Second account, im trying to climb ToA Normal 40+ with under lv20 account and next three day, i got banned
Third account, lv25 got banned because run dungeon7+ with *4 monster.
Forth account, lv19 got banned because getting nat5 dark monster from LnD scroll(reward from completing faimon)
Fifth account, lv20 got banned two days after getting nat5 monster

So, the mod is just one-step upgrader, if you only can gb6 in normal apk, so you can do gb7 in modded apk. Don't make your gameplay record looks weird on GM monitoring.

For summoning mystical scroll, change your channel to a place where nobody is for example ch7788.
all safe, only not play with mod sunday all day more especific at night...
i do this im my acc since lv1, colecting all, summon, envolve, all maps hell mode done, gb10(1min), db (2min), nb10 (2min)...
no raid, no arena, no gw
now lv50... 1yr all fine
acc lvl 50 with 6, 6* mons and about 3 years banned. Didnt play much so dont care. However I farmed faimon hell using trevor beating it in 20-30 seconds each run, and used to do giants b-10 once and i cleared it way to fast. So my fault. Oh well lol. Play safe.
For players who have trouble with getting accounts banned i will offer advice based on experiance.

At level 15 you can do the following with no ban climb to toa40/toah30.You can do all scenario on normal. When doing toa/toah do not complete stages too fast.
Level 25 you can do toa50/toah40, you can complete all elements dungeons at stage b7 complete these stages in 5 minutes and you will be fine, you can also beat giants 7 in 5 minutes with no ban. At level 25 all hard mode can be completed without a ban.
Level 35 you can do dungeons stage 10 without a ban completing them in 8 minutes is safe. You can beat toa at level 35 but from toa 70 onwards take 20 minutes per stage. At level 35 you can do toah50 no ban.
At level 40 all hell modes is fine with no ban.
At level 40 you can do giants 10 in 4 minutes with no ban.
At level 40 you can do dragons 10 in 5 minutes 30 with no ban
You can do all raids at level 40 and all rift beast with no ban.
these tips are still relevant?
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