No one is trying to put you down nor disorage you from interaction here,
@Gilver , but rather not to scare other people with what you said.
I'm not pro either, and what I've learned comes from my personal experience and from others shared here. Everything I said can be seen in older responses in this exact same topic, one just need to look it up. But since you asked, my gonna answer how it works.
The devs control how the game works, right? They also control how the anti-cheat algorithm works. How do they use it to combate cheating?
Let's say you are playing the game legitimately and just reached the stage 50.000. Knowing how the game works, it is common sense that using mods will push you a bit further with the same stats - let's say 50.100. Now, the variable the devs use was built to find people who surpass the limit of their data, and to be safe they even extrapolate a bit so no one get banned for being lucky. So if your MS now is 50.100 using a mod, you can't go further unless you increase your stats, which is what the game automatically verify (when, I'm not certain. it could be time or new MS based), or else you'll be banned. But because of the extrapolation they put for people to be safe and not be punished for a few stages jump being their MS for pure luck, you can reach a little bit further not worrying so much. So it is not precise, but it is safe to say that some people here (me included) did have crossed their hard wall and didn't get punished because a couple hundred stages while on mid game still doesn't activate the algorithm, but beyond that, the game notice that you shouldn't be there and does it thing.
Thats why it isn't a problem using any option (weapons/scrolls/coin increase/all sets) when BELOW your MS (for reaching MS quickly in a tournament, for instance), IF you are paying attention to the game, for if you cross the hard wall you might be punished.
I hope this helps.