I'm currently at around 95k and play like this:
- Pushing: First don't use any cheats that increase your pushing potential, only use no cd, mana not decrease and such here. Once you can no longer beat the boss/normal titan of a stage, keep that stage in mind. After that you can still push around 200 stages above your actual MS with the other cheats. DO NOT PUSH TOO FAR. This is where you get teapotted. Once you completed this continue with farming.
- Farming: During farming you only need instant MS. Here you should farm more relics to further increase you potential. First upgrade your BoS with a few hundred stages and then either upgrade you Artifacts directly or save the relics for the upcoming tournament.
- Tournament: Before you join your tournament make sure to disable all cheats that help you pushing. Maybe even restart the game to make sure they are no longer enabled. After that you use the "increase gold" cheat to upgrade your heroes. You only have to push within 100 stages of your MS to be able to use instant MS again. To be safe here, give yourself as much gold as you would have on your Maxstage. Once you are there spend all the relics using an artifact optimizer. Then test if you can kill the boss at this stage. If you can kill it, go back to the first point, if you can't kill it, go back to farming.
Other than that I'd not recommend playing 24/7. If you want you can also look for a bot/macro that do the farming for you. During this entire process you can actually do 200 prestiges per day without ever getting a teapot. Other than that you can use old accounts (300+ days since install) to look more legit if gamehive ever gets to fix their "anti-cheat".