Y Y.Paradise Platinian Sep 15, 2022 #3,985 All of a sudden, all of the subordinate accounts, including the main account, were banned from access (Teapot). Am I the only one like this?
All of a sudden, all of the subordinate accounts, including the main account, were banned from access (Teapot). Am I the only one like this?
zaldy16 Platinian Sep 15, 2022 #3,986 Y.Paradise said: Tiba-tiba, semua akun bawahan, termasuk akun utama, diblokir aksesnya (Teapot). Apa hanya aku yang seperti ini? [/MENGUTIP] saya Click to expand...
Y.Paradise said: Tiba-tiba, semua akun bawahan, termasuk akun utama, diblokir aksesnya (Teapot). Apa hanya aku yang seperti ini? [/MENGUTIP] saya Click to expand...
M Marac234 Platinian Sep 16, 2022 #3,988 Y.Paradise said: All of a sudden, all of the subordinate accounts, including the main account, were banned from access (Teapot). Am I the only one like this? Click to expand... Same bro Marac234 said: Same bro Click to expand... I use only coins dont decrease, infinite mana amd inlimited fairy and teapot Marac234 said: I use only coins dont decrease, infinite mana amd inlimited fairy and teapot Click to expand... Before this update i make 70 k ms and no teapot now that acc ban too Marac234 said: Before this update i make 70 k ms and no teapot now that acc ban too Click to expand... Every new acc bannef in 1 day Marac234 said: Every new acc bannef in 1 day Click to expand... I dont abise mod i push now slow and again teapot
Y.Paradise said: All of a sudden, all of the subordinate accounts, including the main account, were banned from access (Teapot). Am I the only one like this? Click to expand... Same bro Marac234 said: Same bro Click to expand... I use only coins dont decrease, infinite mana amd inlimited fairy and teapot Marac234 said: I use only coins dont decrease, infinite mana amd inlimited fairy and teapot Click to expand... Before this update i make 70 k ms and no teapot now that acc ban too Marac234 said: Before this update i make 70 k ms and no teapot now that acc ban too Click to expand... Every new acc bannef in 1 day Marac234 said: Every new acc bannef in 1 day Click to expand... I dont abise mod i push now slow and again teapot
E eternity525 Platinian Sep 17, 2022 #3,992 Nik probably tripped something that they check for. Thanks Nik, I can finally quit this boring game for good.
Nik probably tripped something that they check for. Thanks Nik, I can finally quit this boring game for good.
nik2143 Approved Modder Approved Modder Sep 17, 2022 #3,993 eternity525 said: Nik probably tripped something that they check for. Thanks Nik, I can finally quit this boring game for good. Click to expand... probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version
eternity525 said: Nik probably tripped something that they check for. Thanks Nik, I can finally quit this boring game for good. Click to expand... probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version
Y Y.Paradise Platinian Sep 17, 2022 #3,994 nik2143 said: probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version Click to expand... Teapot Teapot Teapot~~~ All the accounts you access are teapots
nik2143 said: probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version Click to expand... Teapot Teapot Teapot~~~ All the accounts you access are teapots
Y Y.Paradise Platinian Sep 17, 2022 #3,995 I've been using this mode for two years. I didn't overdo it and played it slowly. But I'm so sad that this happened and it hurts
I've been using this mode for two years. I didn't overdo it and played it slowly. But I'm so sad that this happened and it hurts
M Marac234 Platinian Sep 17, 2022 #3,997 nik2143 said: probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version Click to expand... Yeap maybe, you done great job and without vip will be great too
nik2143 said: probably related to the new vip things I'll try removing them in next version Click to expand... Yeap maybe, you done great job and without vip will be great too