Help! Tapjoy questions and insight


Solid & Active Platinian
Ok so here's my thought, new to this have no idea if I'm right, wrong or delirious.
Tapjoy, you know tapjoy. Overall a scam tool for advertisers. I hate lies when it comes to the gaming community. I use mods, never pvp or to rank only to have fun.
Where to start. so tapjoy releases their sdk right. Teaches you everything you need to know about their side of things, great walkthrough actually.
Question would Charles proxy be good to intercept the server messages, and send back saying this offer complete, reward xxx amount?
Would that be a assembly edit? Or any thing I'm not thinking of? Like each time it sends for check of completion, Its completed with 10x reward? I think that would be safer, if you trashed all transactions after payout.
Any insight would help, I'm after a game that's pretty solid so far. Everything from everything is server and well
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