
Awesome Active Platinian
1-RVA: 0x15BE2C4 Offset: 0x15BE2C4 VA: 0x15BE2C4

private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetSpan_HealthPoints() { }. Is that One is variable it could be modified or not?

2- games without ill2cpp can be dumped but there is no meta data so how we know type of offsets?

1: If you ask if it could be modded, yes probably. How? You will have to figure out on your own.
2: In the same way you figure out how to modify, when reversing you also learn how stuff works, so you can figure out the type by checking the assembly.
1: If you ask if it could be modded, yes probably. How? You will have to figure out on your own.
2: In the same way you figure out how to modify, when reversing you also learn how stuff works, so you can figure out the type by checking the assembly.
Appreciate it,... It is written that it is read only so i asked..... Then if modified where i should search(lack of knowledge)
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