Open Request Tomb Raider Reloaded



Game Name: Tomb Raider Reloaded

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Mod Menu
  • Walkspeed multiplier
  • God Mode
  • Game speed multiplier
  • All chapters unlocked
  • No consumption to enter the level
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GameGuardian
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Modders are unable to mod this one, it seems. Nothing but unlocking stages, which doesn't really do anything - and the mod APK won't run on MIUI.
Guess this one is impossible, eh?

None of the "unlocked" mods work, and even if they did, what's the point if your weapons and skills are low? Game is fun, but slow progression kills it.
Guess this one is impossible, eh?

None of the "unlocked" mods work, and even if they did, what's the point if your weapons and skills are low? Game is fun, but slow progression kills it.

I I'm using the OG Netflix version, and it's literally impossible to clear the Cistern level without trying for a year. What's worse is Netflix doesn't even have purchase or Ad option, so you're just stuck on retrying till the drops make you enough powerful, which takes months of replaying. About to uninstall now. And will resume playing only if a sensible mod drops.
I I'm using the OG Netflix version, and it's literally impossible to clear the Cistern level without trying for a year. What's worse is Netflix doesn't even have purchase or Ad option, so you're just stuck on retrying till the drops make you enough powerful, which takes months of replaying. About to uninstall now. And will resume playing only if a sensible mod drops.
There is a work around if you are interested.
I am at stage 11, Egypt and its doesn't go any further than that on the Netflix version as it is version 1.5 not the current 1.8 on the pay to play edition if you like.
Equip you armoured supplies which give you a 25% armour boost. Start the level, you'll normally select an item then spin a wheel or tell the butler to do one, press your menu button on your device, then swipe away tomb raider ( as if it crashed,) reload the game, it will prompt you to return to you previous game, click yes. Boom you have over 10000000 armour. Repeat the process and it goes into negative values, making you invincible for that run.
There is a work around if you are interested.
I am at stage 11, Egypt and its doesn't go any further than that on the Netflix version as it is version 1.5 not the current 1.8 on the pay to play edition if you like.
Equip you armoured supplies which give you a 25% armour boost. Start the level, you'll normally select an item then spin a wheel or tell the butler to do one, press your menu button on your device, then swipe away tomb raider ( as if it crashed,) reload the game, it will prompt you to return to you previous game, click yes. Boom you have over 10000000 armour. Repeat the process and it goes into negative values, making you invincible for that run.

Thanks even I reached Egypt after grinding. And thanks for the tip, I read this on Reddit after I reached Egypt. Haven't tried it out yet. i switched to another game till the update drops. Thanks again

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