Help! Trying to make a working damage multiplier


Approved Modder
Approved Modder
Hey, it's me again, for trying to learn something but not able to because my hooking seems not working (i'm probably bad af at C++ ngl)

Here is my code:

// Define and initialize damagemultiplier
bool damagemultiplier = true; // or false, depending on your requirement

// ...

//the void *instance is a self-created variable.
double (*old_GetWeaponAttack)(void *instance);

double GetWeaponAttack(void *instance) {
// Check if instance is NULL to prevent CRASH
if (instance != NULL) {
if (damagemultiplier) { // If damagemultiplier is true
double originalAttack = old_GetWeaponAttack(instance); // Get the original attack value

// Multiply the original attack value by 2
return originalAttack * 2; // Return the modified value

// Return the original value
return old_GetWeaponAttack(instance);

Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong here? 🥹

I'm trying to hook GetWeaponAttack and multiply the base atk by 2

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